The loots in this events are Tier 1 to 2 items which is usually only good for early game. Train attack events always use the same map for every visit. Keep in mind you'll have to fight for it first. You can take away a part of loot if hurry up. **Triggering the first event among shootout spot, train attack and emergency stop in 24 hours requires the energy level to drop below 75. If the cowboy enters an event location, a hidden countdown timer of 24 hours will be triggered, The next event will only appears after these timers expire. *Whenever one of these events appears there will be a hidden countdown timer of 3 hours for another one to appear. If the cowboy enter the event location, the chance of getting the other two events in the next day will be increased. This event shares countdown timer with the train attack and emergency stop events* and has energy requirement to trigger**. After finishing the stables, the difficulty of the shootout spot increases and wagon wheel and wagon axle can be found. In the shootout spot parts required for the stables such as stirrups, saddle, bridle and horseshoes can be found. Is it worth to see what's going on there?" One is visible which indicates how long he will stay the other one is invisible that countdown for 24 hours which he will only appear again after that. Once he appears he sends a mail to the cowboy's dovecote(if there is one) and two timers starts. He offers some uncommon items such as glycerol. This trader pop up somewhere every 24 hours around the central part of the world map. He definitely should have some nice goods for exchange."